Our training sessions are recommended for groups of up to 20 attendees. Depending on the groups size and the number of questions, the sessions typically last between 1 – 1½ hours. If additional time is required, our instructors will stay until all questions are answered at no extra cost.

·       Dogs: Understanding the reasons behind dog bites.

·       Myth Busters: Debunking common misconceptions about dogs to provide accurate and up to date information.

·       Canine Body Language: the basics of dog behaviour to understand their communication signals effectively.

o   Relaxed body language

o   Playful behaviour

o   Alert indications

o   Signs of fear

·       Subtle Body Language – signs given by a dog when they are stressed/fearful or over excited.

o   Lip licking

o   Yawning

o   Panting

o   Ear, mouth, paw movements

o   Averting gaze or moving away

·       Identifying Warning Signs: Knowing what to observe to anticipate potential aggressive behaviour in dogs.

·       SAFE DOG: Introducing an easy-to-remember acronym that guides you on how to safety interact with dogs.

·       Managing Challenging Situations: Strategies for handling unforeseen circumstances

·       Recap: Summarising key takeaways and reinforcing essential safety measures.

·       Misconceptions and Social Media: Looking at various media and identifying what went wrong

·       Questions…….


(+64) 274 737244 | 0508 DOG SAFE


(+61) 421-094-663

Zoom & Microsoft Teams Training:

Zoom & Microsoft Teams Training

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